Friday, March 11, 2011

Cute Turtle For Earth Day On A Sterling Silver Necklace

Colorful Turtle Design For Earth Day On Jewelry

Earth Day is April 22nd. This Earth Day design for 2011 features a turtle with decorated shell and limbs on a sand colored background. Though designed to be an attractive romantic charm worn at anytime during the year this sterling silver plated necklace is also symbolic of the environmental threats facing all turtles.

The illustration on the shell of a map showing the continents of Earth aims to focus attention on the global threats facing the marine turtle. Six of the seven species of marine turtles are listed as endangered or critically endangered, and the outlook is bleak. In the Pacific, leatherback turtles are quickly heading for extinction, and in the Mediterranean, green turtle numbers have significantly declined.

Marine turtles have the potential to reproduce abundantly with a mother laying hundreds of eggs in one nesting season, but few young turtles survive their first year of life, as they are often at the mercy of human and natural predators as they make their way from the nest to the sea and in the shallow waters. It takes decades for surviving juveniles to reach maturity and start to breed, and adult turtles must live to reproduce over many years if the population is to thrive. But escalating mortality on the high seas, in the nets and long-lines of fishing fleets, and from pollution and disease, means fewer and fewer turtles are living long enough to reproduce. Effective conservation means protecting turtles and their environment at all stages of their life cycle.

The design is easy to customize and personalize. Use the Customize It option to access the editing tools to add text and to change the background if required.

The sterling silver chain is 18" with 3" extender and lobster claw clasp and arrives in a special black felt bag.