Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Piranha Beach T Shirt South American Fish

An eye-catching design for the beach this summer. This dull brownish oval shaped fish with white mottled patches on your beach shirt is a piranha, a freshwater omnivorous fish indigenous to the rivers of South America. Piranhas are known for their sharp teeth and a voracious appetite for meat. The background text that repeats 'piranha' gives people a clue what you are wearing.

Piranha have a reputation as ferocious predators that hunt their prey in schools but research suggests they are relatively timid fish that swim in shoals for their own protection from predators such as cormorants, caimans, and dolphins. What you hear about them as man-eating fish in the media and movies is a myth but piranhas do occasionally attack humans and inflict bites that need not necessarily be fatal.

Nevertheless the photograph of the piranha on this product was taken by the designer from a safe distance.

Easy to customize. Use the custom options to personalize, or use the Customize It button on the product page to fully personalize the design. Ideal for animal lovers or those with a desire to show off an unusual design.

There's a low cost value T Shirt version in white only - that's also customizable.

More Piranha Fish Gifts

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More Colorful And Less Dangerous Tropical Fish Gifts

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