Saturday, July 9, 2011

Keep Calm and Carry Om Motivational Mantra Gifts

This design merges together the concept of the motivational poster (Keep Calm and Carry On) produced by the British government's Ministry of Information in 1939 during the beginning of World War II with the mantra of Om (or Aum) that brings those who meditate closer to the cosmos and our existence; a combination that is intended to result in a state of calm in two very different ways.

In this design the Devanagari symbol for Om is at the top; in the original war poster it is a crown. The text is in the same font but the wording differs slightly and appears as Keep Calm And Carry Om instead of Keep Calm And Carry On.

Easy to customize. Shown below on light and dark T shirts, the design is available on a wide range of gifts.

Keep Calm And Carry Om - A Meditation Mantra On All Gifts

Clicking on an image opens the product page in a new window