Thursday, May 26, 2011

Serbia In The News - A Flag Of Serbia With White Eagle On iPhone Case And Loudspeaker

With Ratko Mladic to be extradited to the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal at The Hague to face charges of genocide and crimes against humanity, Serbia is in the news.

Most people might not instantly recognize the Serbian flag. It consists of three horizontal bands of red, blue and white. A coat of arms on the left shows the centerpiece of the flag - a two headed eagle with white feathers. A crown stands above the eagle's head and two golden fleur-de-lis beside the eagle's tail feathers.

Our contribution to raising awareness of Serbia takes the form of the flag of Serbia on an iPhone case and a portable speaker, shown below.

This design gives the impression of a loudspeaker embedded in the cover. The image is of an exposed speaker cone, with its coil or dust cover at the center and ridges around the edge that would enable the speaker to vibrate if it were real. The speaker surface is textured with the flag of Serbia and gives the impression of being painted onto the surface.

The design, exclusive to Zazzle, is available on iPhone 3G, iPhone 4 Speck hard cases and on an OrigAudio Doodle speaker for portable music listening. They are easy to personalize with the customization options for adding text or images.

Custom Speaker With Serbian Flag With Coat of Arms On iPhone Case and Doodle Speaker